by Emma Mattison – NASM, CPT, CNC, and Functional Aging Specialist

Have you ever noticed that as you get older, you don't have the same stamina or strength for exercise as you did when you were younger? You're not alone. Navigating the world of fitness after reaching the age of 50 can be a daunting task. That's why I, Emma Mattison, enjoy guiding older adults through these uncertainties of aging. As a personal trainer and functional aging specialist for mature adults, I notice a common concern is a noticeable decrease in stamina and muscle strength, often attributable to a condition known as sarcopenia. This natural aspect of aging involves the progressive loss of muscle mass and function (Cruz-Jentoft et al., 2019).
Factors That Make Stamina Worse
Hormonal changes
Reduced physical activity
Inadequate protein

Factors such as hormonal changes, reduced physical activity, and inadequate protein and calorie intake often contribute to sarcopenia. The condition is marked by reduced muscle protein synthesis, the body's muscle-building process, leading to decreased muscle mass (Landi et al., 2013). This can result in lower stamina, making everyday activities strenuous and increasing the risk of falls and fractures (Cruz-Jentoft et al., 2019).
What You Can Do About It
Though sarcopenia is a natural part of aging, it doesn't have to be accepted without a fight. This is where senior fitness programs come into play. These programs typically incorporate resistance and aerobic training, significantly improving older adults' muscle strength and overall physical health (Liu & Latham, 2009; Peterson et al., 2011).

To be more specific, resistance training involves exercises that make the muscles work against a weight or force, thereby enhancing muscle protein synthesis, boosting muscle mass, and improving neuromuscular function (Peterson et al., 2011). Conversely, aerobic exercises like walking or swimming enhance cardiovascular fitness and overall health (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009).
How Do I Train?
Senior fitness programs recommend that older adults aim for at least two days of resistance training exercises every week. Each session should consist of 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions at an intensity of about 60-80% of the individual's one-repetition maximum (1-RM) (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009; Fragala et al., 2019). Additionally, they should strive for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity each week (Chodzko-Zajko et al., 2009).
Alongside exercise, nutrition also plays a crucial role in combating sarcopenia. Senior fitness programs emphasize the importance of adequate protein intake, which should be at least 1.0–1.2g/kg of body weight/day, to support muscle protein synthesis (Deutz et al., 2014).

Don't Waste Away. Start Today!
Remember, it's never too late to start. Even if you feel like you don't have the stamina you once did, a gradual and appropriately paced exercise program can help you regain your strength and fitness. While starting a new fitness routine can be intimidating, especially if you've been feeling low on stamina, with gradual and appropriately paced exercises, senior fitness programs can help older adults safely increase their strength and fitness. Always consult your doctor or a physical therapist before beginning a new exercise regimen. By staying active and eating a balanced diet, you can fight the effects of sarcopenia, enhance your physical function, and lead an active and healthy life!
Book Your Free 15-Minute Phone Consultation with Emma Mattison!
If you're ready to take your fitness to the next level, schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation with me, Emma Mattison. During this consultation, we can discuss your fitness goals, assess your current fitness level, and create a personalized plan to help you improve your aerobic base.
But that's not all! As a special offer, I'm providing a free functional fitness course to jumpstart your journey. This course will introduce you to various exercises and training techniques to enhance your overall functional fitness and complement your aerobic base training.
Invest in yourself today and experience the transformative power of improving your aerobic base. Take the first step by scheduling your free consultation and claiming your free functional fitness course. Let's work together to achieve your fitness goals and unlock your full potential!

Please note: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider or a certified fitness professional before starting any new exercise program.
Schedule your FREE 15-Minute Phone Consultation and claim your FREE Functional Fitness Course with Emma Mattison! Click here to book now!
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About the Author
Hi! I'm Emma Mattison. I'm a NASM certified personal trainer, nutrition coach, stretch & flexibility coach, pranayama breathwork guide, holistic nerd, and lover of birds & music! I specialize in functional fitness for older adults, and those with conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Scientific literature is fun to me, and my goal is to make it understandable and fun for you!
I am driven to share knowledge I find fascinating & transformative with my clients, and the world. Everyone has the power to take their health into their own hands!
My love for fitness and true discovery of health started with helping my best friend – who I can now call my husband! Today, I couldn't do any of this as smoothly and enjoyably as I do now without him! Check out our YouTube, MyZeniverse! He literally edits and films everything. He's editing the next YouTube video next to me right now, as we speak! Check it out, and give it a like if it's helpful! 😊😊
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